Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Presentation Software

Presentations are a great way to inform library patrons about the workings of the library. Weekend workshops on use of the catalog or proper treatment of books can be a fun, educating way to teach people. Two of the most popular presentation softwares today are Microsoft Power Point and Prezi.

Microsoft Power Point is basic, and the most widely used as it was one of the first major presentation softwares. A basic tutorial can be found here.

Prezi is a more detailed, interactive presentation software. It allows for more dynamic presentation with movements to keep the attention of watchers. Another plus side is that Prezi is free, though there are more complex versions that can be paid for. A basic tutorial can be found here.

So what's the big deal? As stated at the beginning, presentations are a great way to teach patrons about the library. Rather than just giving a brief lecture, the visuals of a presentation can help people pay attention and retain information easier.

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